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Play It Safe: Managing Security Risks

I'm happy to share my thoughts upon completion about the second course in Google Cybersecurity Professional certificate. This is the "Risks, threats and vulnerabilities" module in this course and I found it to be very digestible and I really appreciated the resources they provided for additional context. The first week in the course goes more in depth into CISSP's 8 domains providing examples and relating them to every day operations of a security analyst, allowing me to have a full grasp over the concepts and why they are important to implement in you systems. Week 2 of this course goes into depth on the concepts of NIST frameworks, OWASP security principles, and officially burned the CIA triad into my brain (confidentiality, integrity, and availability). Week 3 comes to a close with a final project in terms of writing a internal security audit based off a fictional IT company (to see my write up refer to previous blog post). I really enjoy the lab thy provide in this certificate program because it gives action to the theory learned and really imprints these concepts when you put them to work, as well as providing mental access points where I can recall "oh I did that before" moments. Week 4 of this course introduced me to SIEM tools and log analysis, and although this module didn't go into depth on SIEM tools or give you labs to use them. I instantly learned everything I could about splunk the moment I finished it, I couldn't wait to get hands-on.

I really enjoyed this module and is a perfect introduction to concepts and theories revolving around the cybersecurity responsibilities, a common misconception about cybersecurity professionals is that they sit on a computer doing hacker-man things all day but everyday I learn more and more about the non-technical parts of the position and how useful it is to be well-rounded in this field. I really appreciate the support given on these posts and it motivates me to put in more work and learn more and just keep on going, thank you very much for reviewing my blog post!


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