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Plan of attack: Network+

I will be kicking off my studies for Network+ on 1/24/23 and I would like to make a post to share my schedule while tackling the objectives in this certification as well as keep myself accountable for how I spend my time.

Resources I will be using

-Jason Dions Network+ Course on Udemy: $17.99

-Passemall Network+ Practice tests: FREE

-Jason Dions Network+ Practice tests: $12.99


-Google: FREE

-Professor Messers Youtube videos: FREE

I will be attempting to crack this certification in 4 weeks using these resources above as well as my 6 months of professional network experience. The reason I want this certification is to prove to myself and my current and future employers that I have networking expertise and that I can do my job effectively and be a valuable asset to any organization. My current plan is to make several posts along the way after each week detailing what I have done that week as well as posting notes on my learnings.


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